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Atlantic Technological University

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Profile Created On:
28 May 2022

This projects aim is to change people’s perspective on dreaming, celebrate the importance of our dreams and connect over it’s shared common denominator between all humans. The core message is to empower every person to embrace their dreams as a creative tool to get to know themselves. The target audience is directed towards young people (mid teens – 30). The voice of the project is friendly, fun and imaginative Dreamscape comes in the form of an AR exhibition where people can experience being in a dream. They can buy a dreamdeck to remember the experience. If they scan the card using the dreamscape app, the image on the card comes to life, allowing them to experience the exhibition from home! On the app they can get to know their dream patterns and unravel the mysterious meanings behind their dreams. They can also learn about dreaming or make a new friend through their shared common denominator; dreams.

Dreamdeck showcasing the front and back of the card. User scans the back of the card to achieve the AR experience of that card.
app functionality of adding a dream, collecting a dream symbol, dream analysis section, learning section and lastly the community section.
icon set used throughout dreamscape

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